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La Rochelle coast and countryside

Atlantic coast cycle tour from La Rochelle to Bordeaux

Reviews (11) :
4.18 / 5
Reference VO0802
  • Itinerant trip
  • 8 days
  • Easy
  • From April to October
  • Minimum age 9 years
GPSGPS-app available
1179€ / pers.
  • Itinerary
  • This cycling holiday will take you from the Atlantic coast to Médoc vineyards through a great diversity of landscapes. From La Rochelle, ancient fortified harbor, you ride on the Atlantic cycle route
    "Velodyssey" alternatively along beaches, through marshes or pine forests. You discover the city of Rochefort and its "Corderie Royale", Brouage citadel built by the French engineer Vauban, the
    marshes of Marennes, the oyster-farming port of La Tremblade and the costal town of Royan. You cross the Gironde Estuary by ferry to Le Verdon and continue your bike trip across Médoc peninsula. You
    cycle along the seashore then through the vineyards where they grow numerous "Grands Crus" such as Mouton-Rothschild. You reach Pauillac before getting to Bordeaux by train with your bikes to
    discover this historic and lively city. All in all, a great cycling holiday !

    DAY 1


    La Rochelle

    La Rochelle prosperous past can be easily noticed thanks to its nice architecture from which the old fortified harbor is remarkable.

    The city offers a wide range of cultural and touristic activities. Do not miss La Rochelle aquarium. The city is very well equipped with cycling paths, which makes it perfect for discovering it on a bicycle.

    Visit of the Towers of the Old Port of La Rochelle 2h

    9,50 € / adult

    DAY 2


    La Rochelle – Rochefort-sur-mer

    Begin by riding on the seaside cycling path through small villages such as Les Boucholeurs or Chatelaillon-Plage. As you pedal along the marshes, try and spy the birds, herons and storks in the area.

    When you reach Rochefort, notice the distinct naval architecture. The city was an active naval base from the time of Louis XIV until 1926. You might want to tour the Corderie Royal, an interesting rope factory where all the ropes for military sailboats were made. Enjoy flowers? The Conservatoire du Begonia houses the world’s largest collection of begonias!

    DAY 3


    Rochefort - La Tremblade

    Start the day by admiring France’s last transporter bridge. Classified as a national monument, the bridge gets walkers, runners and bikers cross the river safely. A moveable section of the bridge carries a segment of the roadway across a river.

    Continue biking along the canals then through the marshes populated by storks. Discover Brouage citadel built by the French engineer Vauban and bike along the oyster farms until the coast of Marennes beaches.

    You cross over the Seudre River and end your day in La Tremblade.

    DAY 4


    La Tremblade - Royan

    You bike through La Tremblade forest till the lighthouse "Phare de la Coubre". You ride on along the superb bay "Baie des Anses" and reach La Palmyre. You keep along the seaside which gradually becomes rockier and offers beautiful little coves before getting to Royan and the Gironde Estuary.

    DAY 5


    Royan - Hourtin

    For logistical reasons, you take the ferry with your bikes and your luggage, you drop them off at the exit of the boat.
    You take the ferry to cross the estuary of the Gironde to reach the wine region Medoc. Cycle through the pin forest along the until Hourtin, stopping at leisure in one of the natural lakes or on a long sand beach.

    Ferry from Royan to Le Verdon 0h

    You take the ferry with your bike to cross the Gironde Estuary from Royan to Le Verdon

    DAY 6


    Hourtin - Margaux

    You discover the natural diversity of the region Medoc, by starting to cycle through the pine forest to reach the vineyards. Cross the vineyards, ride past the worldwide known wine estates and through the most beautiful villages of France where time seems to have stopped. You cycle along the banks of the Gironde and admire the traditional fishing houses. You finish your day by crossing a wet marsh before arriving in the village of Margaux.

    DAY 7


    Margaux - Bordeaux

    You leave the prestigious village of Margaux and cross the vineyards until you reach the beautiful city of Bordeaux. Enter the old city center by riding along the quays of the Garonne.

    DAY 8


    Departure from Bordeaux

    You can extend your stay or leave after breakfast.

    Regional trains take you back from Bordeaux to La Rochelle if you wish. They are without reservation and take bicycles without extra charge. The duration of the trip is about 2h20.
  • Accommodation
  • Category A

    You stay in ** hotels where you will be hosted with a warm welcome. Breakfast is included.
    * Example of the type of accommodation

    Category B

    You stay in superior ***hotels and 2 nights in **hotels where you will be hosted with a warm welcome. Breakfast is included.
    * Example of the type of accommodation
  • Bikes, luggage and documents
  • Bikes

    On your arrival day, we provide you with:

    • a touring bike adjusted to your size or a tandem
    • equipped : front rack pack with an integrated file compartment, saddlebag, helmet (on demand), reflective vest, repairing toolkit with patches etc.

    We also provide you with the appropriate equipment for your children : baby seat, bike trailer or trailer bike depending on their age and size.

    Electric bikes are also available for adults (+1m55).

    You can of course also bring your own bikes, in this case a reduction will be applied (see the Tarif tab)


    Our services include luggage transport in order to let you enjoy your trip comfortably and without stress :
    • We transport your luggage from one accommodation to the next using a private vehicle.
    • Your luggage is directly delivered in your accommodation before you arrive.
    • We provide a saddlebag for the things you shall need during the day.

    Our word of advice : as we know from experience, we strongly recommend you to avoid wearing a backpack during your cycling trip.
    If you expect to arrive at the next accommodation before 5 p.m., we recommend that you take an extra set of clothes with you in your bicycle bag.

    Travel documents

    A cycling holiday is the best way to explore a region and discover its culture, landscapes and local traditions.

    Your tour is self-guided to give you the freedom to ride at your own pace. You will be provided all the information you need to enjoy the itinerary and its points of interests.

    We can provide you with travel documents in paper format (for a supplement of €15 for printing and postage), which include:
    • a roadbook with maps that we drew at the easiest scale to follow on a bike
    • a roadbook with step-by-step description giving the direction to follow at each intersection and highlighting the points of interest

    Example of a map and of a step-by-step description

    Our GPS App

    For this trip, you can also use our smartphone app featuring GPS guidance (without extra fee).

    You will find in the app all the information given in the map and step-by-step roadbooks. You will be located on the itinerary with the GPS device of your phone. The route and directions to follow will be both viewable on the screen of your phone and announced aloud. As you ride along the itinerary, you will be given information about visits, restaurants, services and useful alerts on the way.

    -> You need to have a smartphone and download Le Velo Voyageur app on your Apple or Android store before the trip. All details concerning the downloading and the use of the application will be given after we have confirmed the booking and the balance is paid. Once the trip is downloaded, the GPS guidance can be used off-line.
  • Practical information
  • To get to departure point:

    • By plane: flight to Paris or Nantes or La Rochelle.

    • By train: TGV (fast trains) from Paris Montparnasse (direct or with a connection in Poitiers). The duration of the trip is estimated between 3h15 and 3h45. Inter-regional trains from Bordeaux and Nantes. To plan your trip, www.raileurope.com.


    If you drive to La Rochelle, you can park your car in a secured car park located in the city center: parking Vieux Port Sud (Avenue de Colmar, weekly rate: 60€) or parking Verdun (place Verdun, 15€/day).

    To get back to starting point:

    Regional trains take you back to your starting point if you wish. They are accessible without booking in advance and bicycles are free. You have to buy your ticket on spot (full rate ~40€/adult). There are several trains per day. You will find the timetable in your travel documents.

    Meeting time:

    The first day is an arrival day without cycling. You arrive whenever you want depending on from where you come. Please note that rooms are usually available in the middle of the afternoon depending on your accommodation. We thank you to advise us if you plan to arrive late.

  • Reviews
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    11 bike travelers reviews 4.18 / 5

    Vélo en famille

    On the 2024-07-30 by Elodie
    Nous avons fait La Rochelle/Bordeaux avec nos enfants de 12 et presque 9 ans. 315km en tout (nous avons un peu rallongé certaines étapes) Très bonne application pour suivre le parcours. Le vélo loué (nous avions 3 vélos perso sur 4) fonctionnait bien. La première partie de parcours est plus agréable que la fin ou on est un peu plus sur les bords de route mais on arrive à Bordeaux donc c'est normal. Les sessions de plus de 60km sont un peu longues pour les enfants mais c'est faisable. Nous repartirons avec plaisir.


    On the 2024-06-13 by andrew
    Great trip -an adventure to some beautiful spots and diverse riding

    La Rochelle - Bordeaux

    On the 2021-08-29 by Nasser et Valérie
    Nous avons déjà utilisé les services de Vélovoyageur en 2019 pour le séjour Canal du Midi. Nous avons récidivé cette année pour un itinéraire un tantinet plus ambitieux de La Rochelle à Bordeaux. Le choix de Vélovoyageur s'est révélé encore payant. Leur organisation est impeccable, le choix des hôtels** nous a surpris par la qualité des prestations (piscine bien appréciable en fin de journée) et le dernier : le pavillon de Margaux à quelques mètres du Château du même nom a été la cerise sur le gâteau. Nous avons découvert des paysages très beaux et très variés, traversé des lieux improbables comme la citadelle de Brouage ou les bords de la Seudre à La Tremblade (soirée magique). Vous avez su nous faire sortir de l'itinéraire de la Vélodyssée pour nous faire découvrir des sites historiques solennels ou des lieux de vie économique pleins de vitalité. Merci à l'équipe de Vélovoyageur

    Circuit varié, organisation au top

    On the 2021-07-20 by Estelle
    Malgré une météo capricieuse, nous avons apprécié ce circuit, par sa variété et son équilibre. Les accueils dans les hôtels étaient à la hauteur de nos attentes. L'application de guidage est super et permet de progresser sans le soucis de se perdre et de profiter pleinement du circuit. Nous avons eu un petit soucis d'organisation à cause d'un mouvement de grève de la SNCF qui nous a contraints à modifier au dernier moment des nuits d'hôtel. Vélo Voyageur, via son service d'assistance a été remarquable de réactivité et de compréhension. Merci vraiment! Nous recommandons vivement Vélo Voyageur.

    Belle semaine malgré quelques déboires

    On the 2020-08-27 by Alexandra
    C'est toujours agréable de découvrir une région en vélo, qui sont par ailleurs de très bonne qualité. Les piscines pour les 2 hôtels à Hourtin et Margaux sont les bienvenues après 2 longues étapes :-) En revanche il est nécessaire de prévoir les sacs à dos pour la traversée du bac car le transfert des bagages n'est pas prévu ! et un certain nombre d'autres (mauvaises) surprises liés à une communication approximative. Dans l'ensemble une bonne semaine malgré tout.


    On the 2019-08-18 by Maren & Petter
    La velodyssé de La Rochelle à Bordeaux était belle, et nous pouvons le recommander. Quelques étapes étaient un peu longues avec le chaleur a juillet. Donc, pour des enfants je ne la recommenderais pas. La beauté des forets de pines, du marais, des petites villages roumains, la cuisine et le bon vin, nous a fait plaisir de découvrir.

    schöne Reise an der französischen Atlantikküste

    On the 2018-10-09 by Hermann Grupp
    kann ich nur empfehlen diese Reise zu machen


    On the 2017-08-27 by ls
    Une très belle aventure. Voilà comment passer des vacances originales en famille: plein air, découverte de région, belles pistes cyclabes à la portée de tous, du sport et de bons vélos, sans avoir à se soucier de l'organisation (baggages, hébergement, restauration). Au final, un très joli souvenir, grâce à Vélo Voyageur qui a géré efficacement et chaleureusement notre parcours.

    La Rochelle - Bordeaux

    On the 2015-08-30 by didier
    Cette année parcours plus basé sur la découverte de la nature que sur des lieux culturels. Dommage d'avoir traversé une des plus belles régions viticoles de France et d'avoir eu aussi soif!!!


    On the 2015-08-30 by Jacques
    Votre formule de vacances nous plait bien. Elle nous permet de faire plaisir à nos enfants et à nous-mêmes en même temps, de découvrir une région et ses aspects culturels, culinaires et d'être pris en charge pour tout les aspects pratiques (réservation, portage des bagages).

    Une belle petite aventure

    On the 2015-08-24 by Sébastien
    Ce voyage itinérant à vélo était une première pour toute la famille et nous étions à la fois excités et un peu inquiets d'y participer. Et finalement à part la météo trop pluvieuse lors de l'étape Queyrac->Pauillac, tout s'est admirablement bien déroulé, pas d'incident mécanique a déplorer, un itinéraire facile à suivre et adapté à toute la famille, des hôtels confortables et bien situés ainsi que quelques particularités (traversée en pont à transbordeur à Rochefort, traversée de la Gironde en bateau) pour pimenter un peu le voyage. A recommander
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